Blending Digital Technology In Medical Education

Staying true to our catch line we at VSP truly believe that Physiology is one major factor that seldom goes Unapplied in the great field of Medicine.
Physiology is the most important aspect in understanding any system of our magnificent body.
Physiology plays an important role in building a base for Medicine
Keeping all this in mind, we took the initiative to begin something known as VSP, something that would act as a role model and at the same time be so interactive that you will feel as you yourselves are walking in this quest to give Physiology it's deserving importance in our minds and in the field of Medicine and to help everyone understand what it is that we're standing for.

Dr. Vivek V. Nalgirkar
Professor - Physiology at
DY Patil University
• Completed his graduation from Rural Medical College, Loni, and MD in Physiology from Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College (LTMMC), Sion, Mumbai (Year-2000)
• He was into clinical practice and obesity & sports fitness in the early years of his career.
• Most of his academic years are invested in D.Y. Patil Medical College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. Dr. Vivek is presently working as Professor and Head in the Department of Physiology at D.Y. Patil Medical College, Nerul.
• He has been travelling all over India to conduct lecture sessions in Physiology for the students aspiring for PG admission in medical field.
• He has authored two titles on Physiology, published by Elsevier India and now he is working on two more books, to be published soon.
Question - Answer Section
Conduction of impulse in heart
1. About the impulse delay from SA node to AV node & bundle of His- Impulse starts at the SA node at zero time (0.00 sec). It reaches AV node by 0.07 sec. then, an additional 0.09 sec to cross the AV node, so that it emerges in His bundle by 0.16 sec.
2.There are 3 regions of the AV node - (i) A-N region - At the junction of atrium and node. (ii) N region - nodal tissue proper, and (iii) N-H region - where His bundle emerges from AV node. It has been found that maximum slowdown of impulse occurs in the A-N region.

Learning Section